Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mrs. Figdore & Penguins

Mrs. Figdore was a teacher who wanted travel all around the world and at one point she retired and started to pursue her dream. Mrs. Figdore has been to all 7 continents. She is a very adventurous lady!

She came to Mrs. Musone’s 3rd grade classroom to talk about Antarctica. She went in their summer because she wanted to spend Christmas on a different continent. The temperature was cold but there wasn’t a lot of snow. On Christmas Day there was enough snow to play in for an hour and they made a snowman.

While she was there she stayed on a boat and even went canoeing in the ocean! It was important for her to stay away from the icebergs so that no animals that might be on the icebergs would sneak up on her.

Mrs. Figdore saw lots of penguins and showed the class her many pictures of them. There are many kinds of penguins. The ones she showed were Adelie penguins, King penguins, Gentoo penguins, and Chinstrap penguins. However, she did not see any Emperor penguins, the biggest of all penguins. Penguins eat krill, lantern fish, and small squid. When they nest, they nest very close together.

There are three kinds of birds that live there. They nest close to the penguins and one of them eats the dead penguins. She had a picture of a bird that had a wingspan of 142.5 inches, almost 12 feet. That is HUGE! In order to land, it had to hold its large wings into thirds.

The third graders thought her visit was cool and it was interesting to learn about Antarctica but they are not sure they would want to visit there.

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