Friday, December 20, 2013

Mrs. Bieber & Carson

Mrs. Bieber and Carson
Mrs. Bieber, technology assistant at Central High School, holds an after school club for coding. Carson is a 10th grade student at the high school in the club. Carson has been coding for five years. He became interested in coding when he got a Leap Frog.

Coding is the instructions that tell things to do something. For example, you might code a robot to move a cup two times. In the club Carson is coding a drone to fly around the high school to take pictures with a camera inside the two pieces of the drone. Mr. Stauffer’s class made the drone. The instructions for the drone come from Carson’s phone.

Most of the time the drone does what it is supposed to do, but sometimes it crashes. So, they put foam around it to protect it. Even then, occasionally it crashes on landing so duct tape is needed to mend the drone.

We learned a lot by interviewing Mrs. Bieber and Carson. One more interesting thing we learned is where the word “debugging” came from. A woman was having problems with her computer and they found that it actually had a real bug inside. Isn’t it interesting where some words come from?

Coding is fun to do, can keep you busy, and helps you learn! We really like coding.

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